
Ermittlung geeigneter uLFZ-Startplätze unter Berücksichtigung optimaler Sichtbarkeitsverhältnisse

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Rainer Prüller, Konrad Rautz, Alexander Almer, Wolfgang Vorraber, Birgit Mösl

In Proceeding of AGIT 2018; 4-2018, pp 378-382 , 4/2018


The availability of location information is a prerequisite for coordination of public safety operations. As part of the FFG-KIRAS SmartScout project, UAVs have been identified as a potential technology base to support data collection. In order to use mobile UAVs as efficiently as possible, the  most suitable choice of launch site is of crucial importance. The modelling takes place on the basis of legal and practical framework conditions taking into account topographical and vegetation-specific parameters. Launch sites have been processed for specific areas of interest.