BaMoS - A Mobile Medical Information System that Provides Assistance to Elderly People as well as

Publication from Digital

Kalcher B., Nischelwitzer A.K., Paletta L., Amlacher K., Luley P., Almer A., Rath O.

Proc Multimedia Applications in Education Conference (MAPEC2006) , 2007


Today, people with certain reading disabilities, such as, illiterates
 or elderly people, are impacted in accessing and understanding highly
 relevant medical information in daily. Medical package information
 is presented in scientific writing style, with small font size, and
 can hardly be associated to severe diseases to the users, therefore
 resulting in bad usability. Paradoxically exactly those people who
 have difficulties reading the package insert are most likely to take
 medicine. The mobile service BaMoS (Barrier free Mobile Service)
 aims at providing assistance to people who have difficulties reading
 package inserts. BaMoS supports the user by using the mobile phone
 to read the relevant medical information and transfer the information
 into an understandable manner to him/her. Specifically adapted audio
 based menu navigation allows the user to interact with the application
 even though the user might have little or no reading skills at all.
 The audio based menu navigation provides assistance for illiterates,
 but also elderly people might benefit from it. This paper presents
 the innovative concept, the complete outline of the system architecture,
 and preliminary results. In future work it is planned to facilitate
 the usage of BaMoS by enabling the service to be attached with an
 alternative input device that is primarily designed for elderly people.

Keywords: Mobile Services for Disabled People, Illiteracy, Elderly People, Accessibility, Mobile Usability, TTS, Medical Information System, Text Recognition
