Forestry applications

Publication from Digital

Koch B., Dees M., Brusselen J. v., Eriksson, L., Fransson J., Gallaun H., Leblon B., McRoberts, R.E. Nilsson M., Schardt M., Seitz R., Waser L.

Advances In Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Series:Advances In Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information, 2008


Starting with an in depth description of the user requirements, that highlight an increased demand of up to date information on forests and of cost-efficient monitoring systems, applications using different data sources and techniques at various geographic levels are presented. The status of the established operational use of airborne and satellite born optical data is shown together with recent developments. New opportunities arising out of the option to use LiDAR data on the forest enterprise and regional inventory level are presented. The opportunity of height measurements and information on the vertical forest structure opens a wide set of new applications in the forest domain, especially in combination with optical data. Radar data from space born system are offering new possibilities for regional to large scale forest monitoring due to a new generation of sensors that are implemented in this decade. These will allow monitoring systems that are not restricted by cloud coverage. Furthermore options to combine different data sources and techniques for the challenge to assess changes over time with remote sensing are shown. Two themes of high importance in the forestry sector are highlighted in specific sub sections: forest fire monitoring and the use of using remote sensing in combination with field sampling data