Generation and Evaluation of Digital Elevation Model Derived Products (Batchelor Theses)

Publication from Digital

Karin Wagner

, 1/2016


A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a 3D representation of a terrain with all its features and the elevation values. In this bachelor thesis, DEMs provide the basis for computations, such as accuracy estimation and calculation of illuminated, dangerous and visible regions. Accuracy estimation is based on error ellipse calculation, to illustrate the position error of each point in a DEM. To compute the illumination or visibility of a point, its terrain projection distance or terrain elevation angle is compared to the value of a already calculated point, which was interpolated from values of previously processed pixels. The data are stored in maps, which can be used for nding the optimal landing site for a Mars rover, as well as for path planning and localization of hazardous regions. The DEMs used in this thesis were generated during the SAFER eld trial in 2013, where JOANNEUM RESEARCH supervised the 3D vision processing.