Local Descriptor Groupings in Reinforcement Learning of Sensory-Motor Attention

Publication from Digital

Paletta L., Fritz G.

POSTER at 29th European Conference on Visual Perception, ECVP 2006, abstract, St. Petersburg, Russia, August , 2006


Previous research on behavioural modelling of saccadic image interpretation
 (Henderson, 1982 Psychological Science 8 51 - 55) has emphasised
 the sampling of informative parts under visual attention to guide
 visual perception. We propose a system of sequential attention for
 object recognition that (i) groups n-tuples of local-gradient-based
 image descriptors (Lowe, 2004 International Journal of Computer Vision
 60 91 - 110) being scale-, rotation-, and to high degree illumination-tolerant,
 defining a vocabulary of prototypical code descriptors, (ii) selects
 only informative groupings for further processing, (iii) learns a
 predictive mapping from a current perceptual state in a Markov decision
 process to a next saccadic action, and (iv) present a model of object
 recognition being capable of integrating sequential information by
 minimisation of entropy in the Bayesian modeling of object hypotheses.
 The innovative abstraction level of informative groupings provides
 perceptual meta-states in sensory - motor attention, enabling the
 learning of a purposeful grammar integrating atomic feature - saccade
 mappings into a meaningful recognition behaviour. We demonstrate
 highly accurate recognition of outdoor facades in a mobile vision
 application, using the sensory - motor context of trans-saccadic
 object recognition.