Performance of GNSS/IMS Integration Methoads in Context of a Near-Real-Time Airbone Mapping Platform

Publication from Digital

KH. Gutjahr, P. Hafner and M. Ofner and K. Laengauer and M. Wieser and N. Kuehtreiber

EUROCOW 2010, Feb Barcelona , 1/2010


The Institute of Digital Image Processing of the Joanneum Research has set up a low-cost airborne platform which provides high flexibility with respect to data acquisition and data processing. Applications being typically envisaged are mapping of disasters which often require near real-time image processing. For the direct geo-referencing of each image, the parameters of the exterior orientation have to be determined with sufficient accuracy in real-time. Today the determination of the trajectory of a moving platform is increasingly based on the integration of satellite-based positioning and inertial measurement systems. The best GPS and IMU combination for the above mentioned application will be identified within a study of the Institute of
 Navigation and Satellite Geodesy of the Graz University of Technology. Within these tasks GPS receivers and IMUs of different quality and price classes are tested. In this paper preliminary results of the comprehensive investigation of diverse types of GNSS/IMS integration are presented. Moreover these results were used to analyse the 2D mapping potential of the low-cost airborne platform.