RegionAAL – The Styrian AAL-test-region in Graz, Deutschlandsberg and Leibnitz

Publication from Digital

Kurt Majcen , Kerstin Löffler

Proceedings of the 10th Forum Media Technology and 3rd All Around Audio Symposium , 1/2017


As a result of demographic change and increasing life expectancy, challenges in providing care for elderly people is expected. Furthermore, older people seek to remain in their own living environment as long as possible in order to retain a certain quality of life. Due to chronic conditions, multi-morbidity and social isolation our care system has to face challenges in order to accomplish the above mentioned. Active and assisted living (AAL) technologies try to meet these challenges but only a few technologies have been effective so far. This study measures the usability and acceptability of existing AAL-technologies which are bundled in a package for older people in home care or assisted living. Possible impacts of using AAL-technologies on the quality
 of life and the independence in older age are monitored between 07/2017 and 09/2018 in a two-armed randomized controlled trial (N=240).