
Clinical Study Design to Evaluate Whether the Systemic Bioavailability of Topical Drugs May Influence the Assessment of Local Dermal Pharmacokinetics by Dermal Open Flow Microperfusion (dOFM)

Publication from Health
Biomedizinisches Gewebemonitoring, Kompetenzgruppe Datenmanagement und Biostatistik

K. Tiffner, T. Birngruber, G. Schwagerle , T. Ramezanli, M. Bodenlenz, B. Lackner, T. Augustin , R. Raml , I. Kanfer, S. G. Raney, F. Sinner

AAPS 2019 Pharm Sci San Antonio , 11/2019

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Keywords: Dermal Open Flow Microperfusion; Pharmacokinetics