
On the trustability of the safety measures of collaborative robots: 2D Collision-force-map of a sensitive manipulator for safe HRC

Publication from Robotics

Andreas Schlotzhauer, Lukas Kaiser , Jasmin Wachter , Mathias Brandstötter , Michael Hofbaur

IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 1676-1683 , 8/2019


Ever since the wide-spread of sensitive manipulators, suitable for collaborative robot applications, the industry is aiming for ways to use the advantages of a Human-Robot-Collaboration in a efficient way. Nevertheless the majority of nowadays applications does not go beyond a coexistence of human and robot or lack of efficiency. In the present work the ability of sensitive robots to safeguard a contact to a human is examined. To study the relation between robot parameters and the exerted biomechanical load to a human during a potential contact, a generic abstraction of a pick and place application is studied experimentally in a laboratory setup. Particular the effects of a variable endeffector speed and a variable pick and place position were investigated. Thereby a set of potential contact situations in the range of the robots workspace is evaluated. The experimental findings are discussed in a theoretical context and a statistically model of the robot behaviour is identified for the investigated application scenario. It is discussed how the derived information can be utilized to safeguard a collaborative robot application with a flexible pick and place position in the field and how this approach leads to a safe and efficient integration of collaborative tasks in general.


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Keywords: Robot sensing systems, Collision avoidance, Safety, End effectors, Service robots, Force
