3D vision and visualisation for asteroid exploration

3D as the key to a quantitative understanding of asteroid surfaces
3D Analyse im Visualiserungstool PRo3D

ESA Hera mission to the Didymos double asteroid system

Together with VRVis - Centre for Virtual Reality and Visualisation, we are responsible for the development and mission-related operation of the 3D GIS (Geographic Information System) for ESA's Hera mission to the Didymos 2027 double asteroid system. Hera is investigating the impact area of the DART probe on the moon Dimorphos on 26.9.2022. 3D processing of the celestial bodies, data acquisition, visualisation and scientific processing of the 3D data are the focus of the development of the 3D Geographical Information System (3D GIS). The methods can also be used in future asteroid missions.

  • The project PROVEX deals with the so-called "data provenance" in the environment of the Hera 3D-GIS, the information technology acquisition, description and tracking of scientific data processing and analysis mechanisms (e.g. processing, visualisation, combination of sensors etc.) in order to be able to build on each individual step in a comprehensible manner.
3D vision and visualisation for asteroid exploration

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DI Gerhard Paar
Key Researcher