The DIGITAL Institute and its Human Factors Lab team, in collaboration with the Universidad de León has achieved a significant success: At the renowned „International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics“ in Nice, France, the joint research paper was honoured with a Best Paper Award.
The award-winning authors Florian Haid, Michael Schneeberger, Belén Carballo Leyenda, Jose A. Rodríguez-Marroyo, Stefan Ladstätter, Anna Weber, Alexander Almer, Jochen Mosbacher and Lucas Paletta presented their work entitled „Semantic Decision Support for Action Forces with Risk Stratification from Estimated Physiological Strain, Cognitive-Emotional Stress and Situation Awareness.“
This paper presents an innovative decision support system that helps incident commanders to recognise potential health risks and the operational capability of emergency personnel at an early stage. Based on real-time data from wearable sensors, such as smart shirts, the system can determine risk levels and provide action-oriented recommendations directly at the control centre in the form of dashboards. A particular focus of the research is on the data-supported classification of the situational awareness of incident commanders. This enables a precise assessment of their ability to perceive vital information in critical scenarios and make the necessary decisions.
Lucas Paletta, one of the main authors, chaired the conference track „Cognitive Computing and Internet of Things“ and organised the following sessions:
- session 24: „Cognitive Computing on Psychophysiological Strain of Action Forces“
- session 54: „Intelligent Applications with IoT in Digital Health“
- session 133: „Democratic Decision Support in Industrial Scenarios“
The results of the research work were achieved as part of several EU-funded projects, including SIXTHSENSE (H2020), Horizon FAIRWork and PREPARIO, as well as in the national projects AI-Refit, SmartAktiv and VitalMonitor . The presentations were given both in person and remotely by the Institute's authors.
All publications are available as open access in the AHFE publishing house. This success underlines the leading role of the DIGITAL Institute in the field of human factors and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in applied research.