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New therapies in the fight against the epidemic of the 21st century: obesity

The Project

Obesity is one of the biggest challenges for the health economy in the coming decades. New therapies with pharmaceutical hybrid active ingredients, which combine the functions of several active ingredients in one molecule, represent a first breakthrough in the fight against the obesity epidemic.

Our Role in the Project

HEALTH (Bioanalytik und Metabolomics) forschte in diesem Projekt an Methoden, um das Körpergewicht von adipösen Menschen zu reduzieren, in Fällen wo reine Verhaltensänderungen der Betroffenen keine zufriedenstellenden Ergebnisse erzielen und Operationen zu riskant sind. Eine neue Technologie für diese Untersuchungen ist die sogenannte Stabile-Isotopen-Tracertechnologie. Mit Hilfe stabil-isotopenmarkierter Metabolite wurden Stoffwechselumsatzraten bestimmt und Aussagen über den Glukoseumsatz getroffen werden.

Keine Datei zugewiesen.

Project Details

In TraceFATT-2, the follow-up project to the project of the same name in the 2016-2018 funding period, the promising developments of the previous project will be completed and the effect of new active substances on adipose tissue and energy metabolism will be investigated in preclinical studies. A combination of open microperfusion (OFM) and metabolomics will be used for the analyses. In addition, a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) will be implemented to investigate metabolism and will be used in the preclinical studies and in a sample subset of the clinical landmark study "EXSCEL "2 (cooperation with Oxford Center for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism). The data obtained can be used to determine which active ingredients "work" when and how in adipose tissue in order to achieve optimal combinations of active ingredients.

Within the framework of TraceFATT and TraceFATT-2, the HEALTH Institute has set itself the long-term goal of making essential contributions to the optimization of therapeutic approaches based on new combinations of active ingredients and to contribute to the development of treatment strategies with as few side effects as possible.

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