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Consulting: Collaborative and Mobile Robotics / Sensor Technology

Consulting for the implementation of collaborative and mobile robotics as well as sensor technology

Roboterhand und Menschenhand halten jeweils ein Zahnrad, welche in sich verzahnt sind

Consulting for collaborative and mobile robotics, Photo: iStock.com/Bajic

All-round Consulting

The collaboration between humans and machines is becoming increasingly more important. Companies aim to enhance productivity, reduce costs and simultaneously improve the safety and efficiency of their workflows. This is where we come in: We assist you in integrating robotic applications. Regardless of the industry, we highlight the full benefits of collaborative and mobile robotics, as well as sensor technologies and explain how to leverage these technologies.


Our Offer

We provide guidance on implementing collaborative and mobile robotics solutions, along with sensor technologies in your company. Our goal is to support you in the selection, integration and optimization of these advanced technologies, taking a step towards automation together.



We developed a mobile sensitive manipulator CHIMERA, which consists of two subsystems, a mobile platform MiR 100 and a sensitive serial robot UR10, combined to an overall system. Two laser scanners on the mobile platform ensure a vision of 360 degrees and enable the robot to navigate around people and obstacles in a natural way or rather stop the robot system in case of missing alternative routes. Thanks to internal sensor data analysis the robot arm can be used for safe applications in the field of human-robot collaboration.

CHIMERA can be used for intralogistics tasks which require a higher level of intelligence at a robotic system. Examples are on-demand refill of kanban-shelves, kitting or material transport between production machines. CHIMERA is designed as an extensible platform where additional functions can easily be added.


Reaching the goal together

Wir begleiten Sie bei der Auswahl geeigneter Roboter- und Sensoriksysteme, der Integration in Ihre bestehende oder neue Infrastruktur sowie der Schulung Ihrer Mitarbeiter*innen. Wir helfen, Ihre Arbeitsabläufe zu optimieren und dabei Effizienz und Produktivität zu gewährleisten. Dabei achten wir besonders auf eine sichere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Menschen und Robotern.

Contact us and together we will find innovative solutions to take your company to the next level.

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