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Invest4Nature: Creation of a market for nature-based solutions




Total Project Duration

4 Years

Evaluation of the benefits and economic performance of NBS as a basis for investment.
Vektor Illustration mit einer Steckdose und einer Glühbirne.

The project

How do you create a market for nature-based solutions (NBS)?

NBS are inspired by nature or natural processes. Within Invest4Nature, partners from research, industry and the public sector work together to develop a better understanding of the economic and financial performance of nature-based solutions and to promote investment in these measures. This is the basis for the development of a market that enables the widespread use of nature-based solutions.

Our activities in the project

Our task within the project is to develop the scientific basis for the economic evaluation of the costs and benefits of nature-based solutions. We are also developing financing concepts.

Keine Datei zugewiesen.

European Commission

Steinbeis 2i GmbH
Norsk institutt for vannforskning
Horizon NUA Innovation
Aarhus Universitet
Climate Alliance
Oppla EEIG
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SPA
Empresa Municipal de Ambiente de Cascais EM SA
Melomy Advisory IK
Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Aarhus Kommune
Klimabündnis Tirol
Urzad Miasta Poznania
U-Sentric BVBA

Details of the project

The project aims to gain a better understanding of the economic and financial performance of nature-based solutions, to expand and promote such investments and to accelerate market uptake.

This will enable stakeholders involved in the markets for nature-based solutions to better perform cost-benefit analyses and monetisation of NBS, capture the non-monetisable benefits, meet their financing needs and identify potential funding sources.

The project will improve the business prospects for NBS and help to increase their acceptance and awareness of their benefits.

Project participants

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