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Expertise from POLICIES in demand in Georgia

Developing scientific priorities for the development of science, technology and innovation in Georgia was the topic of an EU-supported conference in Georgia. The POLICIES Institute was also represented.

Internationale Konferenz zur Entwicklung von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation in Georgien

Mag. Wolfgang Polt (POLICIES), Dr.in Nunu Mitskevich (Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia), Dr.in Inese Gavarane (Resident Twinning Advisor Georgia), Mag. Dr. Christian Hartmann (POLICIES) und Mag. Enikö Linshalm (POLICIES) v.l., Foto: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

On 28 September, an international conference was held in Tbilisi to promote cooperation between science and industry with joint priorities for research and innovation in Georgia. Wolfgang Polt, Mag. Dr. Christian Hartmann and Mag.  Enikö Linshalm from institute POLICIES, who are working on identifying scientific priorities in Georgia as part of an EU twinning project to bridge the gap between research and industry, were also present.

The conference was attended by more than 350 representatives of various ministries, research institutions, universities, associations and companies from different sectors and regions of Georgia, as well as representatives of the European Union and the Austrian, German and Latvian embassies.

Discussion on priorities

During the event, both functional and thematic priorities that are important for cooperation between science and industry were presented and reflected upon. In addition, views were exchanged on how the priorities can best be realised. The conference is the final step in defining the scientific priorities. In addition, the participants also discussed the development of an online matchmaking platform to promote communication between science and business people.

An der Organisation der Veranstaltung beteiligt waren das genannte EU-Twinning-Projekt und das EU-Programm zur Unterstützung der Mobilität georgischer Forscherinnen und Forscher sowie die georgische Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation.

More on scientific exchange with Georgia

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