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Total project duration:

2 Years

Intelligent, automated emergency call and monitoring system for crisis situations

Our activities in the project

In addition to leading the consortium, we are developing AI systems for two different use cases in KRISAN. On the one hand, an existing emergency call system, which is currently handled by a call centre, is to be mapped in a fully automated assistance system with an AI-based voice dialogue system. In order to obtain a realistic assessment of its possible applications, the AI-based system is to be evaluated using real scenarios and data. The second use case deals with a fictitious crisis situation in the future, for which a basic AI system will be developed using examples from the past (e.g. Covid pandemic), which can be adapted as easily as possible to the respective circumstances. The developed system should be able to learn along with the fictitious crisis situation and adapt to the relevant information at the time.

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Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz

DATAVIEW Handels- und Systemberatungs GmbH

Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH

Universität Wien Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht

Wiener Rotes Kreuz-Rettungs-, Krankentransport-, Pflege- und Betreuungsgesellschaft mbH

youspi Consulting GmbH

Project details

When dealing with crises, operations centres and call centres as well as political leaders and authorities are put to the test in organisational, logistical and emotional terms. In the event of a crisis, however, it is currently very difficult for everyone involved to quickly gain an overview of the situation and obtain a reliable picture of the situation. Language is the most natural and simplest form of human communication. Language information can be used to quickly describe very complex contexts and draw conclusions. In the event of a crisis, countless telephone calls from the public arrive every minute, which often cannot be processed due to staff resources. In certain situations, the line capacities or the capacities of the available staff in the control centre or call centre are exhausted, resulting in long waiting times for those seeking help.

The aim of the project is therefore to develop an assistance system for automated call retrieval and near-real-time creation of an information situation picture based on incoming calls to hotlines and control centres in the event of a crisis.


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