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Delegation from Krakow visited us

On 6 February 2024, a delegation of Polish scientists from the Jagiellonian University of Krakow were guests at the LIFE Institute for Climate, Energy Systems and Society in the Science Tower and visited our rooftop garden.

Gruppenfoto vom Besuch der Polnischen Delegation.

Enjoying a view over the Smart City and the rooftops of Graz on the 14th floor of the Science Tower, we exchanged ideas with the researchers from the Jagiellonian University of Krakow and Karl Franzens University on common cross-cutting topics. The exchange was organized by Ass. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fischer from the Institute of Geography and Spatial Research at Karl Franzens University, which is a long-standing cooperation partner of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow and is also in exchange with the Institute LIFE.

The research projects of the colleagues from Krakow overlap with the topics of our institute in several areas: from blue and green infrastructure in urban areas to the influence of mowing on biodiversity and the inclusive design of public spaces.

The researchers are aiming to receive EU funding for the newly launched projects and are therefore looking for experienced cooperation partners, such as the Institute LIFE. We are delighted that we were not only able to show our colleagues our wonderful rooftop garden, but also to give them an insight into our institute and our research and thus potentially make valuable contacts in the future!


Dr Franz Prettenthaler, M.Litt
Director LIFE
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