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Every1 project consortium meets at first 2023 general assembly

The European Commission’s Horizon Europe Programme funds the Every1 project.

On June 9, 2023, the Every1 Project Consortium held an online meeting to update all stakeholders on their recent accomplishments and upcoming plans. Partners from across Europe took part in discussions regarding project developments, including updates on each Work Package. Highlights from the meeting included the completion of the Extended Stakeholder and Ecosystem Mapping tasks. This comprehensive mapping effort gathered valuable data and will serve as an excellent foundation for forthcoming steps, such as stakeholder identification in local ecosystems and the establishment of a broad market enabler network. The Extended Stakeholder and Ecosystem Mapping task is available via the Every1 website.

The development of search terms for the training materials catalogue, the creation of a shared cataloguing platform for participating partners, the formulation of labelling guidelines, the exploration of connected projects and the organisation of an informative workshop on Open Educational Resources are among the other highlights of the project.

Finally, the Every1 Project is now officially registered with the BRIDGE EU Initiative, METABUILDING Innovation Platform, and the ENLIT Project Directory. Consortium partners plan to attend the upcoming ENLIT conference in Paris from November 28th to 30th and present the Every1 project.

Overall, there were positive reports from each work package, and many advances have been made since the last session.



What the project Every1 is about

The Every1 Project aims to enhance capacity and skills in the Digital Energy Transition landscape, empowering local authorities, civil society organisations, private companies, and citizens to scale successful practises.

The project follows a phased approach consisting of three pillars: explore, shape, and act, supporting and engaging the community in local energy transition processes. It develops and deploys advanced tools, guidance materials, platforms, and services to foster cooperation, knowledge transfer, and joint action in the field.


Every1 - Enable eVeryone's Engagement in the eneRgY transitiON!



Further information on Every1:


Co-ordinator: Flux50, Matilde Defraeije, E-Mail: matilde.defraeije@flux50.com

Press Contact Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, Giorgia Tzar, E-Mail: giorgia.tzar@steinbeis-europa.de



Press release


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