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Stakeholder workshop on the effects of carbon pricing

With the final stakeholder workshop, the FARECarbon project has entered the finishing straight.

Foto vom FARECarbon-Workshop

Mitigating the climate crisis and its consequences requires the decarbonization of the economy and the society. In addition to technological innovations, this also requires a comprehensive mix of measures, with effective carbon pricing being a central pillar to reduce emissions in sectors outside the emission trading system (non-ETS sectors).

In the FARECarbon project, the economic effects of different variants of carbon pricing in non-ETS sectors are studied using three different macroeconomic models together with a microsimulation model. The aim of the model comparison is to identify model uncertainties and to analyze the range of possible effects of carbon pricing in Austria.

On March 16, 2023, the final stakeholder workshop took place in Vienna as a hybrid event. Moderated by the Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA), the project consortium JOANNEUM RESEARCH - LIFE, WIFO and Wegener Center der Uni Graz presented main findings from the project and discussed recommendations for the design of carbon pricing for non-ETS sectors in Austria with stakeholders from administration, science and NGOs. With the final stakeholder workshop, the FARECarbon project, which will run until the end of April 2023, has entered the finishing straight.

You can download the workshop presentation from our FARECarbon-Homepage, where the final project results will also be made available after the end of the project.



FARECarbon is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and is carried out within the 12th call of the Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP).


Mag.<sup>a</sup> Judith Köberl
Deputy Head of Research Group
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