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Comprehensive work on tourism and climate change published

Tourism and Climate Change, edited by Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Marc Olefs and Franz Prettenthaler

Buchcover Tourismus und Klimawandel

The recently published Special Assessment Report "Tourism and Climate Change" provides a detailed insight into how Austria as a tourism destination is currently affected by climate change and how it will be impacted in the future. It also highlights resulting challenges and proposes options for action. The topics covered by the research range from tourism as a contributor to global CO2 emissions to the impact of outdoor tourism activities, urban tourism, adaptation options for mobility and much more.

The report is the result of two years of intensive collaboration between 40 international scientists from leading research institutions. In addition to Franz Prettenthaler, M.Litt, Director of JOANNEUM RESEARCH LIFE - Institute for Climate, Energy and Society, as one of the editors, LIFE climate researchers Andrea Damm and Judith Köberl contributed to the report with focus on the consideration of global developments as well as national commitments based on the Paris Climate Agreement.


 „From the Corona-related severe crisis, there can be only one possible direction of action for domestic tourism professionals who have not lost courage: to reinvent and rebuild the product and the sector with climate neutrality. There are also plenty of suggestions for this in this extraordinary book, and perhaps the success story well documented in it can also boost confidence for a strong recovery,"

says Franz Prettenthaler about the current challenges for the Austrian tourism industry.


"Tourism and Climate Change" is published by Springer Verlag and can also be downloaded (in German) for free as an e-book.


Dr Franz Prettenthaler, M.Litt
Director LIFE
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