Geo-Data Presentation on Mobile Devices for Tourism Applications

Publication from Digital

Luley P., Almer A., Schnabel T., Massimo R., Herpolsheimer W.

, 1/2004


Tourism information mostly is geographically related information and therefore, a multimedia presentation of tourism information in spatial context on different digital platforms will offer the opportunity for a comprehensive information service. Based on the rapid developments of the telecommunication industry, several handheld devices are available which allows realising a mobile information system including location aware services. This paper will briefly describe a prototype of a mobile multimedia tourism information system for outdoor activities and user oriented data management tools. A PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) in connection with GPS device allows us to guide tourists to the desired sights or along hiking and biking tours of a tourism region. For a multimedia visualisation of tourism information pictures, sound, text and video elements were integrated in order to record the effectiveness of the mobile device. Cartographic illustrations using satellite images and digital maps are the base for an innovative presentation of tourism information in their spatial context. Mobile devices offer the possibility of an innovative presentation of tourism information with a high usability and fulfil user desires for information provision.


Additional informations: Gartner G. (Eds.): Location Based Services & TeleCartograpy. Proceedings of the Symposium 2004. Vienna, University of Technology