Technologiegespräche Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2018

Break Out Session "Inequality and resilience in the digital economy"


13:00 - 17:00

Hauptschule Alpbach

Business Lounge

The current technological changes (Digitalisation, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things) are taking place against the backdrop of inequalities in income distribution, which have grown significantly in recent decades. Also, companies, regions and societies show very different developments and face the greatest challenges in terms of participation in technological change and its benefits, resulting from global economic imbalances and different capacities of societies to deal with technological change. In recent years, these phenomena have therefore become the subject of intense political debates and efforts from the side of science to come to understand these developments. International and national experts will discuss the distributional aspects of technological change with respect to the differences between companies, branches, regions/countries and labor.


Europäisches Forum Alpbach, Franz-Josefs-Kai 13/10, 1010 Wien