Artificial Intelligence for the Society and the Media Industry

With a virtual kick-off meeting on 29 and 30 September, the European research project AI4Media, which deals with the use and the associated challenges of artificial intelligence in the media sector, will start. The project involves 30 partners, including the Smart Media Solutions Team of the Institute DIGITAL.

Projektlogo AI4Media
Credit: AI4Media Projekt


The use of artificial intelligence in the field of media leads to new opportunities, but also involves challenges and risks. The European research project AI4Media, funded under Horizon 2020, addresses these issues and will establish a European centre of excellence for researchers. Together with members across Europe, AI4Media will deliver advances in AI technology to serve this key sector and ensure an ethical, trustworthy AI based on European values.

30 leading European AI and media partners form the project consortium, which includes nine universities, nine research centres and 12 ICT and media companies such as IBM, RAI and Deutsche Welle. The members of the consortium have set themselves the goal of achieving the next generation of advances in artificial intelligence for the media sector.



The research by JOANNEUM RESEARCH in AI4Media will focus mainly on new learning paradigms, distributed AI and content-centered AI. Specifically, manifold learning methods, efficient strategies for distributed heterogenous training, multi-task neural networks and learning with scarce data will be researched. JOANNEUM RESEARCH will be involved also in defining the roadmap for AI in media, in spreading the European AI excellence and in dissemination and exploitation activities. The project manager is senior researcher Hannes Fassold.


On 1 October, following the kick-off meeting, a freely accessible online workshop on "Generative Adversial Networks (GANs) for the generation of media content" will take place (registration).